Saturday, 19 September 2015

The Wellness Extends

Things are still tracking really well here. I have not slipped in regard to any of my goals and actually feel pretty good. I have my moments whereby I don't feel wonderful, and otherwise fat and yuck, but I acknowledge those emotions, accept that this is how things are in this moment, and then tell myself that like all things, this will pass, and it does. I did suffer a bit of PMS this week, which is typical for me, but it was pretty short-lived and perhaps even a little less intense than what it's been in the past, so I can't complain there.

I was also able to engage in some physical activity again, and played a game of field hockey. It was good to be back on the field, and to realise that i'm well enough to commence some degree of cardio again- YAY!! I started taking this immunity booster supplement this past week as I was growing so frustrated at how under the weather I've been, and for how long it's been, and I don't know if that has helped, or if I was going to get better again now, but i'm continuing with it until it's all gone, and then will switch back to my multi vitamins. You can take both simultaneously but i'm already downing enough meds that another 4 on top of that was just a bit much.

Therapy this past fortnight was a waste of time on all accounts. I have done so well this month that I had both psychologists speechless, and neither one wanted to bring up anything else that had the potential to 'rock the boat' so after I told them how I was, and how things had been, the session was basically called a day. One thing that i'm going to try and work out is what I think the most important element of this recovery has been. That way if I start to slip I can hold on to something of substance, and pull myself up before anything were to happen. I don't think it's been any single thing that has attributed to this effort and achievement, but perhaps a number of things that were all occurring simultaneously. I will give it some thought anyway and see what I come up with.

And there you have it. Another update, and another positive one at that.

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