Monday, 31 August 2015


I feel pudgy. My body is all squishy and 'too much'. How do I conquer these thoughts/feelings? I can't even counter it with "my body is strong" because right now it is not- i'm sick with a head cold and chest infection, and i'm lacking in energy. I'm home with both girls today but am struggling with patience over their behaviour and squabbles, it is difficult being a mama when one is sick, and struggling with her own issues.

I just want to feel better than this. I no longer want to have these thoughts and feelings surrounding my body. I would like a healthy dis-interest in it, where I give it little thought, time, or attention. Whereby my life is bigger than this.

How do other people do it? How do people recover?

I feel sad- on the verge of tears. I don't know what is underpinning this, I don't really have the space to discover this. I am going to try and practice acknowledgement and acceptance of this emotion. I am going to simply sit with this feeling and watch it dissipate of it's own accord. I am trying to choose not to become attached to this emotion, to now call myself 'depressed', but to realise everybody universally experiences sadness, and it will pass.

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